
MoM Sales Comparison

This comprehensive comparison tool helps you with the month on month sales comparison functionality. It accepts two or more than two months data and gives you a brief comparison of how the profit has grown day wise. It, therefore, helps you to conclude your success in sales during the given period.

Inventory Master Report

The report will help you to dump the items available in your stock not only helping you to clean it but also making it easier for you to add the new stocks.

Threshold Report

Threshold report helps you to have a list of the items which are about to reach the threshold limit. Thus you can effectively manage your stocks so as to buy the new items.

GRN Register

This report will print all the GRNs generated for any particular period.

Adjustment Report

After doing various adjustments in the stock there is a need to keep a record of the same. So that is where adjustment report helps you to check the adjustments made and accordingly help you with the related inventory items.

Receipt Vouchers

This option is used to create Receipt vouchers. Receipt vouchers are mainly given to customers.


This option helps the user to keep a record of the receipts from the customers. It includes all the receipts and the customer data both in a precise manner.

Threshold Quantities

We have added a unique feature in MedQwik which helps the store owner or the user to get timely alerts on their stocks. You can configure the quantity at which MedQwik should alert you and set it in threshold quantities. Then when the stock reaches up to that level you will get an alert for the stocks that are likely to fall short on any given day. In this way, you are able to get a better hold of your stocks.

Expired Items

This option will show you the inventory that is going to be expired for a particular month.


There are possibilities that you might need to do some adjustments to your current inventory based on the physical stock. This feature can be used to adjust the closing balances by comparing them with physical quantities.

Item Track

The item track lets you keep a record of the items in the inventory. You can check the purchases made on the current item, track sales of that same item and examine the returns as well. This can be called as the item ledger for the transformation of Items.

Purchases Entry

Purchases entry feature can give you the ability to add up to 25 items per entry which included main item properties such as billed quantity, free quantity, batch number, expirdy date and taxes applied on each item. It supports GST taxing system, so you don’t have to worry about the entries.

Sales Register

Sales Register will help you filter the day, month and yearly sales transactions. This will benefit you to examine the exact amount of medicine sold, thus improvising you in calculating future inventory plans.

Sales Entry

There are various sale methods available in MedQwik such as Cash, Credit and Debit Cards to carry a sales transaction. You can sort the information according to sale method. You can add up to 25 items per each sales transaction. There is an auto-complete feature to help you with the generation of the items easily. After adding an item, you can put the name of the same to see the available quantity and available Batch numbers. A sale transaction can also have a Sales mode like Package (if your pharmacy is attached to Hospital), Internal (if the stock is consumed for internal purpose), Aarogyasri (A scheme hosted by Govt.) and Insurance (if your pharmacy is attached to Hospital). All these options will give you the freedom to drill down your sales and calculate actual profitability.

Taxes Management

The new tax system known as Goods and Services Tax has already been added to our cloud-based GST ready Pharmacy application MedQwik. Also, all the GST Slab rates listed by Government of India are loaded by default and in case if you wish to add more you can directly do that by yourself using taxes management module.

Suppliers Management

This feature deals with Suppliers Management operations such as add, update and disables which adds the details of vendors. You can save a vendor’s name, address, contact number and many other details.

Patients Management

Every sale on our cloud based application has a column where you can add the name of the patient, their age, gender and IP/OP number which is used to identify the pharmacies which are attached to the hospitals. The details once entered can be edited and looked up for further details editing.

Inventory Profitability Report

This inventory Profitability report helps you to calculate your profit from the overall sales during a particular period of time. It is, therefore, the most important and prominent report that gives you a brief about your inventory calculating the profits on the basis of the purchased price and the selling price.

Inward – Outward Analysis Report

Inward – Outward Analysis Report is used to track the IN meaning number of items which are bought in a particular month and the OUT meaning number of items sold in that particular month. It is the best report to see monthly trends of stocks from your inventory.

Material Movement

This report helps you with the selling trend of how and which item is being bought frequently by your customers. Thus it gives you a brief scenario of the items whose movement is Fast or Slow.

Expiry Report

This report will tell you which all items are going to get expired in a given month. This will help you to free up your inventory stock and make a room for more stocks.

Stock Report

This report will help you with the current stock in your inventory. You can view this stock as per your requirement. It provides a comprehensive and easy option to view stocks making it an easy task.

Payment Vouchers

Payment Vouchers can be created by using this option. The payment vouchers are used for clearing payments to the Supplier.


This option helps the user to manage the supplier payments.


GRN meaning Goods Received Note is an option which is mainly used to check and pass the material purchased. When you make a purchase entry the stock will not be added to the system immediately for sales. You need to make GRN for adding into stock for sales. This works as a Quality Control process for your stock.

Available Quantities

This feature helps you with the number of medicines available anywhere anytime. You can check them batch wise as well.

Opening Balances Management

This feature deals with the opening stock where you can manage the opening balances when the application configured for the first time. Without this configuration, you can not start your billing.

Purchase Register

To filter out your purchase details on a particular day, month or year, a purchase register has been added with various other options. This will help you analyze and compare various purchases made.

Sales Return Register

This feature will give you the sales return transactions occurred during any day, month or year. This will help you to examine which medicines are being returned frequently.

Sales Return Entry

Adding Sales return is as easy as making a sale entry. You just need the sales bill number and you have the list on your screen. After updating the quantity, you can get your bill ready and on the backend, you will have your inventory updated according to the modification.

Categories Management

This feature allows you to manage your items and group them for easy access and organization of bulk inventory items. You can add infinite categories for your grouping of products to carry out your operations in an effective manner. Also by categorizing your inventory, you can analyze your stock according to the availability of a particular group.

Medicines Management

Medicine Management has all the main possible operations such as add, update, delete and disable options for all the medicines which are in the inventory. You can disable a medicine as you wish along with the threshold quantity. This unique feature will warn you whenever your medicine is below a certain set level of your choice making it easy for you to identify the stock.

Banks Management

Our cloud based application also has a feature of adding banks. You can add or update the bank details which can be used to carry out for payments. Our easy-to-use software does not take more than a minute to add your bank details. The information stays safe with our secure application.

Doctors Management

You can add doctor’s name to our cloud application MedQwik with the help of Doctors Management feature. Every sale has an option to add a doctor’s name who has issued the prescription. You don’t have to add doctor’s name again and again, once added a name will get stored on our application. This makes easy for you to list down the name of doctors and their prescribed medicines.